Why Palestine Matters: The struggle to end colonialism

Where: St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 313 Pine St. Phila. 19106, Dates: Mondays, April 29th, May 6th, 13th, 20th and June 3rd.Time: 7:00-8:30PM Cost: $25.00 includes book and course materials. (To be paid at the first session.)  Flyer Please register with name, e-mail, phone contact and group, religious affiliation, if any, at info@cjallies.org Questions may also be sent …


featuring DAVID SHEEN, an independent journalist and filmmaker born in Canada, now reporting from Israel-Palestine. His work focuses primarily on racial tensions and religious extremism.  http://www.davidsheen.com on Sunday, March 17th  from 3:00 – 5:30 at Uncle Bobbie’s Coffee & Books, 5445 Germantown Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19144   A pitched war of words is being waged between prominent African Americans and Jewish Americans over …

UN Inquiry on Israeli response to Gaza protests

UN Human Rights Council releases report saying Israeli snipers deliberately targeted Palestinian “unarmed children, journalists and the disabled in Gaza.” Israeli snipers were equipped with high-powered scopes that allowed them to see what they wee shooting at. [Democracy Now spoke] with Sara Hossain, a member of the U.N. independent commission that led the Gaza investigation. …

Update on Palestine-Israel situation

Al Jazeera has a good overview/update of diplomatic situation between Palestinians and Israel. The writer doesn’t see the Trump Administration strategy as a good one. Heh! Looking at the strategy as concerns Palestinians: The so-called “deal of the century” is arguably the first attempt at resolving the conflict in which the Palestinian side was not …

Demolition of the village of Al-Araqeeb carried out for 139th time

In 1967, 35 Palestinian villages that were now on Israeli land were not officially accounted for and were therefore declared to be “unrecognized.” The villages receive no government services and have been demolished time and again even though the The Regional Council for the Palestinian Bedouin of the Unrecognized Villages estimated in 2003 that the …

Academic boycott of Israel upheld by US court

In 2013, the American Studies Association supported the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. “In April 2016, several current and former members of the ASA filed the lawsuit against the group over its 2013 resolution backing the academic boycott.” In a victory for free speech rights, the ASA has prevailed!