US Democratic Party hits tipping point on Palestinians vs Israel

The US Republican Party and Independents are not included in this Mondoweiss conclusion, so it seems only Democratic politicians are affected, but Democratic Party constituents (as opposed to its political leaders) have surpassed the “tipping point” where Democratic politicians are well-advised to either take pro-Palestinian or at least neutral or carefully articulated positions on them. …

Palestinians and the COVID-19 vacine

The Israeli situation with vaccines has been really good. Israel is still leading the race by far, with nearly three out of five of its population having received at least one dose. Around half of Israelis — over 4.4 million — have received a second dose. Palestinians? Ehh, not so much. After having received “enough …

The Human Rights Council of the UN on Palestinians

The Human Rights Council of the UN put out a draft resolution covering several nations, among them what they called “The State of Palestine.” This is very definitely what our president would call a BFD. This document grants to “the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem,” pretty much everything that CJ-Allies has requested for them. …

The International Criminal Court and Palestinians

After a five-year review the ICC (International Criminal Court) has determined that it has jurisdiction over Israeli-Palestinian issues and that Israel has potentially committed war crimes that are within the ICC’s jurisdiction. The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken correctly states that as Israel is not a signatory to the ICC, but as the alleged …

CodePink has letter to urge helping Palestinians

Dr. Fauci was recently awarded $1 million by Israel for his work on COVID19. We applaud this, but we urge him to ask Israel to see to the health of the Palestinians who live under siege conditions. No one can get into or out of either the West Bank or Gaza without going through Israeli …