Churches for Middle East Peace ( had a webinar: “Where do we go from here? How do the election results impact the future of peace in Israel and Palestine?”
Good, vigorous discussion on the prospects for peace. Very interesting comment on Israel’s proposed July 1st annexation of parts of the West Bank. Seems Israel’s leadership really felt pressured to back down on that as even Israeli citizens opposed it.
Prospects for peace under the new American President? They seem to be better than under the last one, but we can probably expect modest improvements, at best.
The conversation on Palestine appears to have moved on from a “Two-State Solution” to human rights and rule of law, suggesting more of a One-State Solution.
Palestinians in general agree that it’s good to be moving one from one American President to another, but expectations are modest.
One very positive aspect is that the Democratic constituency is far more kindly disposed towards Palestinians than the Republican constituents are.