CJ Allies member Cliff Cutler explains our process for lifting up issues of concern

Sharing this article by Cliff Cutler – It’s a must read, as it is instructive for us in our work together.  Cliff describes a successful example of the EPF Palestine Israel Network process for lifting up issues of concern.  The experience of reading the article is itself uplifting! Susan

PINontheGo: Amplifying Voices for Justice EPF PIN member Cliff Cutler explains our process for lifting up issues of concern
How does the Palestine Israel Network work to sharpen, sign on to, and amplify letters and actions that support justice and human rights for Palestinians? Here is one illustration.
The Christian Century published an editorial on June 1 entitled “Is there any hope for a just peace in Israel and Palestine.” They concluded not much and that the “two-state solution” was the only faint and viable possibility. Jeff Wright, a retired pastor of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who currently serves as a volunteer Disciples/UCC Global Services Worker appointed to Kairos Palestine, was deeply disappointed in Christian Century’s Opinion. Unwilling to let it go without a response he drafted an OpEd submission dated June 16 and sent it to organizational members of Global Kairos for Justice and the different PINs (Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Mennonite, UCC, as well as Methodist and Presbyterian), soliciting their edit suggestions.

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