High Holiday Martyrology – Resistance in the Negev, the West Bank, and Gaza

The Tikkun Olam Chavurah invites Christian-Jewish Allies to attend this service…

High Holiday Martyrology
Resistance in the Negev, the West Bank, and Gaza

Join us on Yom Kippur afternoon, Wednesday, October 9, 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM
Germantown Mennonite Church, 21 West Washington Lane, Philadelphia, PA

The Martyrology service helps us find ways to learn about those who give their lives for what they know is true.
This year, we will look at the Bedouin in the Negev desert and Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. What maintains their determination and deep hope in the face of Occupation? How can we use our understanding to move us to engage?

Rabbi Linda Holtzman and Pastor Amy Yoder McGloughlin will lead a ritual exploring the critical issues in Palestine today and moving us to a deeper understanding.
Join us on this sacred day for a powerful interfaith ritual.