Meet AFSC’s Palestine and Israel team

Join us Sunday night, Dec. 16 to meet AFSC’s Palestine and Israel team and to hear about their work for peace and justice in Palestine and Israel.

Please join us for this fundraising event:

Dec. 16, 5 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Friends Center (1501 Cherry St. Philadelphia, PA)


You’ll meet:

  • Staff members Ali Abdel Bari and Firas Ramlawi, who traveled to Philadelphia from Gaza. This will be a rare opportunity to hear from them about life and work in Gaza. 
  • Dawood Hammoudeh, AFSC’s Palestine Program director from Jerusalem, who will share stories from his work across historic Palestine.
  • Sahar Vardi, AFSC’s Israel Program coordinator, who will discuss the situation in Israel and her work with conscientious objectors and others working for change in Israel.

I’ll also be at the meeting with other U.S. staff – including Jehad Abu Salim, Jennifer Bing, and Dalit Baum – who will all be available to talk about our advocacy on Gaza, our No Way to Treat a Child campaign to protect the rights of Palestinian children, and our Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) work. 

In the past, Israeli permit denials have stopped our team from gathering together.  This will be the first time in over a decade that all of team will be in the same place.  That this meeting is occurring in Philadelphia and not somewhere in Palestine or Israel is itself telling. 

We hope that you can join us to meet the team and to learn more about how you can make a difference in Palestine and Israel.  

RSVP to join us this Sunday, Dec. 16. If you can’t make it, please consider making a donation to support this work from the RSVP page.

Thank you as well to those who have already registered to come.  

Funds raised will be used to support AFSC’s work on economic activism and in Gaza. Support from people like you is important to our continued work for a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.

We hope to see you on Sunday!
In Peace, 
Mike Merryman-Lotze
Middle East Program Director
American Friends Service Committee
1501 Cherry st.
Philadelphia, PA 19102