Meeting on the 26th


From Susan and Judith:
Hi Everybody,
We look forward to our meeting on Sunday as a time to connect with each other, and to continue our work for justice in Palestine.  
We are inviting you to our monthly C-J Allies Zoom meeting, and hoping by now we have all figured out the basics of how to join a meeting using using Zoom.  Please call in, or click the link below.  And look for the agenda in your email towards the end of the week.

Topic: Christian-Jewish Allies Meeting
Date: Sunday AprIL 26, 2020  Time:  3:00 PM Eastern Time

The meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Details on how to get on were distributed by email. Contact us if you need a reminder.

April 24th update

Dear Allies,

I hope that this note finds you and your families free of the coronavirus. Susan and I look forward to seeing those of you who can attend the ZOOM C-J Allies meeting on Sunday from 3:00pm-4:30ishpm. Earlier this week you should have received from Susan the link to the meeting. The agenda is attached.

It occurs to me as I am writing this e-mail that one of the positive outcomes of meeting via ZOOM is that we not only are able to stay involved with our justice for Palestinians objective but also are helping the environment heal as well. Just think of the fuel saved and emissions eliminated because our cars are also staying at home!

You will see that time has been provided at the end of the business section of our meeting for reflection on how the pandemic and the “stay at home” orders have impacted our lives, our work with C-J Allies and the way we relate as humankind enters a new world.

With hope, in a month when our three Abrahamic faiths embrace our formative rituals in newly imagined ways in a new age.