We encourage all of our members to watch “Indomitable Hope” by early April when we will then have an online discussion about the movie. When you click the link, the film will appear to you as “Private,” so you’ll then need to enter the password. If you didn’t get the password through our email, please write to Mary Allen at marydallen@gmail.com
Also, if members of C-J Allies could report to Mary when we’ve seen the film, that will help in terms of reminders and scheduling.
Update: We’ll be having a meeting via Zoom at 1:00pm this Easter Sunday to discuss the film “Indomitable Hope.” From Mary Allen:
Reminder: Ahmed wants to meet with all who are able on Easter Sunday at 1PM to discuss needed editing. He particularly wants to hear from us whatever we think would make the film most appealing to an American audience. Remember to RSVP to me(marydallen@gmail.com) or to Ahmed (ahmed.mansour115566@gmail.com). You must receive the invitation to the meeting on Zoom!
If you have not yet watched it, here again is the link: